Descendants of Deacon Edmund RICE . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Aug 2023

© Copyright 2023 by the Edmund Rice (1638) Association

Compiler: John F. Chandler, Historian, Edmund Rice (1638) Association

Welcome to our family database. These pages are provided to encourage responsible research into our family history. This report includes only the first six generations of Edmund Rice's descendants.

As with any genealogical compilation, this is a work in progress. If you find errors or omissions here (and have documentation), please let us know. Also, if you are a descendant of Edmund Rice, we would like to exchange information about more recent ancestors with you.

You can browse this database in three ways: (A) by going directly to Edmund Rice's entry and following links from there, (B) by browsing the list of surnames to select a specific starting individual, or (C) by looking up an individual from the hierarchical master index.
Start page (Edmund Rice)
Surname index
Master index

Please respect the copyright for this material. It is for your personal use only. If you plan for public use of this material for a book, web page, etc, you must have prior written approval of the Edmund Rice (1638) Association.

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