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The 2024 ERA Family Reunion will be held Friday and Saturday, September 20-21, 2024 at The Wayside Inn in Sudbury, MA. Details and registration will be abvailable soon. We can't wait to see all of our cousins.

Registration is required for both the Friday bus tour & dinner and the Saturday meeting.

Registration open soon. Start booking your hotel room now either at the Wayside in or at many of the nearby hotels.

There will be no online or virtual meeting.


Friday September 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Registration required for bus tour and dinner.

1:00 PM -- Bus tour departs from Wayside Inn, Sudbury MA

5:30 PM -- Social hour followed by dinner at Wayside Inn

Saturday September 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . .

8:30 AM -- Gather at The Waysdie Inn in Sudbury, MA for coffee and pastries, meeting begins shortly after

9:30 AM -- Opening Remarks and brief discussion on the ERA

10:00 AM -- Edmund Rice 101

11:00 AM -- ERA database

12:00 PM -- Family Picture and lunch

1:00 PM -- Keynote Speake

2:00 PM -- Formal Annual Meeting

3:00 PM -- Adjournment

Be sure to stay in touch via our newsletter and Facebook page.

Email questions to info@edmund-rice.org

Copyright 2022, Edmund Rice (1638) Association, Inc.. All rights reserved.
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